
Tintinnabulation, Bards and Sages Quarterly 3.4 (October 2011). Percy, the hero of New Ethiopia, and his cheetah Peg embark upon a quest to rescue Cassiopeia’s daughter from fate, sea monsters and trope-laden slush.

Troglodition; or: Cometh the HOW R U,Cometh the Man, 2013: The Aftermath (2010). In post-apocalyptic Brisbane three survivors come to understand love, language and the unspoken truth of the cataclysm.

20/10, Murky Depths 17 (2011). In a depraved future, restaurant dining offers up some unexpected entertainments.
Review: “Jacob Edwards’ 20/10 is a surreal story of extreme dining-style thrill-seeking… Rather than just turning the story into another mindless horror tale it sets an engaging contrast between setting, genre and character.” Michele Lee, Review: Murky Depths #17 (October 4, 2011).

A Visit From the Pope. Windmills 6 (What’s Under the Bed?’) (2011). When Nigel finds a book of deportment under his bed, he takes it upon himself to prepare Tania and Boris for a papal visit. [Translating Jade Alex Carbon.]

Wanderlust. Common Ground Review 14.1 (Spring/Summer 2012). I cannot go to university anymore. It’s been too long and the first year law students are looking like baa-lambs. To them I must seem very old. Girls fresh from school ask me for directions but I’m as lost as they are. It’s a big campus; and besides, they’re always erecting new buildings. You go away for a few years and everything changes.
Acceptance Letter: Dear Mr. Edwards, As it happens, we were reviewing the fiction submissions for our next issue today when yours came in. I am pleased to tell you that the editors have accepted “Wanderlust” for publication in Common Ground Review. We hope that, given the time difference and the International Date Line, we have actually accepted your story before you have sent it.
Awards: Spring/Summer Fiction Spotlight.

Yet Another Kill Hitler Story. Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 56 (May 2012). When tongues start to flap in the Backstabbers’ Clubhouse, sometimes the history-altering death of Harry Belafonte just doesn’t cut it.