Encores, Holding Patterns: A Collection of Words on Ritual (Good Printed Things, 2023). In which the poet waxes lyrical about the good old days when music concert encores were unplanned and exhilarating.
Flaxton Flowers, Petrichor Machine 3 (2013). In which the eponymous flowers are overshadowed by a thoughtfully placed sign.
Friday Afternoon Lament, Constellations 2 (‘Upheaval’) (Fall 2012). Written, as the title suggests, on Friday afternoon, when time stretches out and everything in the world seems just that little bit more burdensome.
Guardians of De Iuliis, Red Rock Review 31 (Spring 2013). A poem inspired by Michael Garth‘s sculptures, “The Guardians” (2003), which may be found at the De Iluiis winery in Australia’s Hunter Valley.
Haiku From Waterloo, Windmills 7 (Spring 2011). In which Napoleon’s last campaign is interrupted by a time-travelling consortium offering him a penthouse apartment on the Gold Coast.
Tango in Haiku
For People
Inspired not to Dance, Windmills 7 (Spring 2011). In which some unlikely proponents of the tango step forward.