
Interviews with Jacob appear in:

Swim Meet (Facebook story), 14 April 2022; interviewed by Svetlana Sterlin (‘Garden now for the Rest of the World, going for the 15m dive while reciting Hamlet’) regarding poetry, process, swimming/diving and inspirations for the poem ‘Hamilton, New Zealand’.

Celestial Toyroom #502, February 2020; heavily expurgated contribution to the Black Archive Roundtable Discussion (‘We create the greatest seaside resort in the world, and what do we get? Vandilism!’) on story choice, research sources, writing ups and downs and—aptly enough—the editorial process.

Literary Fruit, 22 January 2018; interviewed by Literary Fruit (‘Oh, that’s what it’s for. I’ve just posted two letters in that.’) regarding the author’s motivations, inspiration, and influences in writing speculative fiction.

Theaker’s Quarterly #50, early 2015; contributing to Ask Theaker’s! (‘My Gift to you is my Socks; They’re not to be Sniffed At!’) responding to a slurry of questions about food, life, writing, Carcassonne and the new Star Wars film.

Petrichor Machine #3, 2013; contributing to the Palimpsest Roundtable Discussion (‘Everything’s Round in a Lighthouse, Isn’t It?’) on influences, interdisciplinary outlooks, visual and textural interdependence, and the creative process. Includes the limerick ‘Lust, Swill and Cerement’.

Dot Dot Dash #9 (‘Recursive’), Autumn 2012; interviewed by Laura Tanja King (They are actually going to mime the whole of Murder on the Orient Express – all six and a half hours of it!’) on influences, aspirations and method, especially with regard to writing creative non-fiction and the piece ‘Pith, Pithy, Pithed’.

Goodies Podcast #28, 7 August 2010; interviewed by Jeff Walker (‘Sitting by the Fish Tank, Nicholas Parsons Mask on Standby’) regarding the author’s love of The Goodies and the circumstances by which Graeme Garden came to write a poem for #45 of the Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.

Jacob Edwards