I hold a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours (English) and a Master of Arts (Ancient History) from the University of Queensland. I have reviewed for Theaker’s Quarterly, Buzzymag.com and Kirkus.
During my time with Andromeda Spaceways I edited two issues (#45 and #55) and contributed to a third (#50) of their renowned Inflight Magazine, working with authors such as Stephen Gallagher, Tom Holt, Deborah Kalin, Lisa A. Koosis, Stephen Marley, Simon Messingham, and K. J. Parker.
I currently work as in-house editor for micropublisher Derelict Space Sheep. A book is only ever as good as its author, but I am pleased to put forward Sirens by Simon Messingham as an ‘after’ snapshot of a novel for which I provided broad edits, line edits and proofreading.