
Abstract Portraiture: Karina Mowles in Profile, Australian Women’s Chess League Bulletin 25.2 (May 2002). From 1997 to 2001 Karina Mowles proved to be a dominant force in Queensland women’s and girls’ chess. Several unusual factors contributed to her success, first among these being the personal qualities that make her an ideal—if atypical—role model for aspiring chess players.

A Most Unconvincing Replicant: Allegory and Intelligence in Blade Runner’s Chess Game, The Lifted Brow #20 (December 2013). Blade Runner (dir. Ridley Scott, 1982) is set in a world rich with background texture. In terms of creativity the film demonstrates considerable attention to detail. Yet, in one of its more mundane depictions, Blade Runner is found wanting: the game of chess between Sebastian and Tyrell has been rendered with a level of intent and accuracy sufficient only to draw attention to its flaws.