Morgan, The Dark Defiles, Theaker’s Quarterly 52 (Summer 2015). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (28 August 2015).
Parker, The Devil You Know, (Posted 10 June 2016).
Parker, Downfall of the Gods, (Posted 13 May 2016).
Parker, Sharps, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight
Magazine #58 (2013).
Petrie, Rare Unsigned Copy, Theaker’s Quarterly #34 (Autumn 2010).
Pratchett, Dodger, Theaker’s Quarterly 44 (Summer 2013). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (27 September 2013).
Pratchett, Raising Steam, (Posted 25 February, 2014).
Pratchett, The Shepherd’s Crown, Theaker’s Quarterly 54 (February 2016). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (11 March 2016).
Pratchett & Baxter, The Long Earth, Theaker’s Quarterly 42 (Autumn 2012). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (10 December 2012).
Pratchett & Baxter, The Long War, (Posted 28 September, 2013).
Prouty, Stoker’s Manuscript, Theaker’s Quarterly 54 (February 2016). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (18 March 2016).
Rabarts & Murray, Hounds of the Underworld, Theaker’s Quarterly #64 (March 2019).
Ramirez, The Forever Watch, Theaker’s Quarterly 51 (Spring 2015). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (19 January 2015).
Reynolds, Doctor Who: Harvest of Time, (Posted 17 September, 2013).
Rinzler, The Making of Star Wars, Theaker’s Quarterly 49 (Autumn 2014). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (26 December 2014).
Roberts, Doctor Who: Shada, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #56 (May 2012). Reprinted: Theaker’s Quarterly 41 (Summer 2012). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (27 August 2012).
Roberts, The Frood: The Authorised and Very Official History of Douglas Adams and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, (Posted 10 December, 2014).