Book Reviews (A-F)


Adams, Doctor Who: City of Death, Theaker’s Quarterly 53 (January 2016). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (18 January 2016).

Adams, Doctor Who: Shada, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #56 (May 2012). Reprinted: Theaker’s Quarterly 41 (Summer 2012). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (27 August 2012).

Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything, Theaker’s Quarterly 55 (July 2016). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (8 July 2016).

Baxter, The Massacre of Mankind, (Posted 25 May, 2017).

Bova, TransHuman, (Posted 8 July, 2014.

Brooks, The Sorcerer’s Daughter, (Posted 26 July, 2016)

Cogman, The Invisible Library, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #61 (2015).

Colfer, And Another Thing, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #44 (2010).

Davidson, Unwrapped Sky, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Blog (Posted 23 August, 2014).

Denning, Star Wars: Crucible, (Posted October 2013).

Dufty, Lost in Transit: The Strange Story of the Philip K Dick Android, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #52 (2011).

Duncan, By Blood We Live, (Posted 12 March, 2014).

Jacob Edwards