27o 28′ 4″ S (Reflections on Brisbane) parts 7-8, 24, 11, 14-16, 13, Blast 12 (Spring / Summer 2010). Brisbane, Australia’s river city. Observations and reminiscences.
Say History, WestWard Quarterly (Summer 2010). A tribute to Nan, who could always be relied upon to tell you to say, ‘History’.
A Singleton’s Diary: Hamilton, New Zealand, swim meet lit mag #2 (Autumn 2022). In which a dog is observed and the poet turns introspective.
Sonnet for Someone, Someday Night, Provoke Journal 3 (21 January 2017). A night out on the town brings light to life’s darkness.
Sorry, I’ll Wear That Again, Fish Fingers and Custard 10 (June 2012). In which Matt Smith’s coat is compared to Graeme Garden’s and found to be identical. Can nobody else see this?
Star Bright, The Germ 1 (Spring 2013). In which Richard Dawkins is eclipsed by his more famous wife.
Surfers Paradise Sourpuss, The Alarmist 1 (‘The Holy Book’) (2012). Putting the beach in perspective.
The Tall and the Short of It, Windmills 5 (2010). History, as painted by Pablo Picasso.
Through Rose-Coloured Cloud, Dot Dot Dash 7 (Sacred) (Winter 2011). The future, as filtered through children’s television in the 80s.
Internal Illustration: Nicole Hobby.
Travelling Love Show, Windmills 11 (‘The Love Issue’) (May 2013). In which a roadside motel with a fake palm tree on its roof is found huddling beneath several real palm trees.
Tweet It, Hawai’i Pacific Review 27 (2013). In which Michael Jackson’s Beat It is revisited for the benefit of twitwits.
(Re)Tweet It, Perceptions (2013). Same song, different lyrics.
Twenty-Somethings’ Notional Anthem, Windmills 3 (‘The Red Issue’) (December 2009). Evening falls, and the restless generation of young Australians advances for a spot of chair-throwing.